Covid - 19 & CSR

State Level Efforts
- INR 1.5 Crore donated to Odisha Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) to combat COVID-19 pandemic at state level
- Statewide campaign on COVID 19 for children - “Hygiene Kits” and Awareness Activities in partnership with UNICEF & Odisha State Legal Services Authority (OSLSA)
Awareness Generation & Protection from COVID-19 at Community Level
- Door-to-door awareness campaigns, engaged adolescent girls to create awareness on Covid-19 (painting, slogans, small informative and awareness video developed and shared in a local WhatsApp group to create awareness on Covid-19 disease and precaution measures).
- Psychosocial counselling provided to elderly people who were living alone during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- 42,000 face masks prepared by the Women SHGs and distributed in the community, 2500 HHs including frontline workers viz. ASHA, AWW and Hamlet Leaders were provided with masks and soaps to maintain hygiene at their home.
- 20,000 hygiene packs (masks, soaps) distributed among the frontline workers, in govt. offices, and among community members and truckers to promote sanitation and hygiene.
Food Distribution to Vulnerable Sections in Project Locations
- 2000 dry ration kits for 20 days and soaps distributed among vulnerable communities (transgenders and people living with chronic illnesses), differently-abled/visually impaired, senior citizens living in old age home, daily wage earners, migrant workers and poor families.
- Distributed nutritional kits twice a month for consecutively 6 months to 312 pregnant and lactating mothers registered under anganwadi centers.